Installation of 240th Worshipful Master, Newtownstewart ML 547

Installation of 240th Worshipful Master, Newtownstewart ML 547

Newtownstewart Lodge 547 saw the Installation of its 240th Worshipful Master on 19th January 2017. W Bro Robin D Finlay was given a flawless Master's Degree by W Bro Robert Moore.

W Bro Finlay then proceeded to install his officers in exemplary fashion from the front of the dais. The Omagh Class of Instruction had proved to be a great help to our new Master. The class is "a must" for all brethren climbing the Masonic ladder. The lodge was honoured by the presence of R W Bro F. R. Arnold, the Provincial Deputy Grand Master, pleased to be back in 547 among old and new friends